Which Industries Require Competitive Intelligence Market Research to Stay on Top?

competitive intelligence market research

There is one factor that will plague and affect your business, no matter which industry you’re in.

And that factor is competition.

It can be a great driving force, helping you work harder and smarter in every aspect of your business. Or it can be damaging, causing you to go unnoticed in your industry despite your best efforts. Therefore, if you wish to learn more about how you can navigate your competition, and which industries, in particular, can benefit from competitive intelligence market research tools, read on.

An Introduction to Competitive Market Research

What is competitive intelligence reporting exactly?

In case you’re not already familiar, competition intelligence research pertains to all of the information relevant to a specific industry’s market. Having these numbers allows the business owner to track and analyze things like

  • their competition’s next move
  • trends in the industry
  • customer monitoring
  • shifts in the market

Frequently, businesses will enlist a third-party agency to help run and deliver these stats. The benefits of acquiring this data include smarter planning and better marketing that will allow your business to thrive and meet the demands of the consumer, building a solid relationship with the buyer. 

Research into customer insight can influence a company’s strategies. One example of using competitive intelligence to uncover customer insight can be found here: Washing Machine: 5 Spectacular Audience Insights Based on Competitive Intelligence -A research by Clootrack 

The Retail Sector

The retail industry is quite broad — this industry can distribute and center on anything ranging from scarves and mittens to cookware. Since trends can vary within a market that falls into various niches, it’s significant to enlist in a competitive intelligence program to gather the most accurate data to work with.

For instance, you must know whether a consumer is heavily dependent on technology, and learn how to cater to that if you wish to stay relevant. 

The Health Sector

Lifesaving drugs and medical devices are constantly evolving. If you’re in this sector, you’ll no doubt need clinical trials and patient based sales forecasts to develop the most effective medicine for the public. Competitive market research allows you to identify the success rate of a given medication.

Education Sector

Another significant industry that can benefit from competitive intelligence market research is education.

No place of education is the same, and no teaching curriculum is perfect. If you want to ensure that students enrolled at a university or academy are obtaining the knowledge, they need to work with professionals who can guarantee these results successfully.

In Conclusion: Working With a Competitive Intelligence Company

In conclusion, competitive intelligence market research can be an effective tool for any of these top industries. However, these are just a handful that can benefit from having a knowledgable research team on their side.

Competition is inevitable — and how you choose to tackle it can make or break your business. After all, the average business has up to 25 competitors, and you want to be well equipped, no matter what your industry you’re in.